Product Range: Pattern Machining

Nelcast is the Largest Jobbing Foundry in India for the manufacturing of Ductile & Grey Iron Castings. Established in 1982 with a modest capacity of just 1,000 Metric Tons/Year, Nelcast has focussed on producing superior quality castings for a wide range of Industries. Nelcast’s Gudur plant started commercial production in 1985. The plant exclusively produces Ductile Iron Castings for the Commercial Vehicle, Tractor, Off-Highway & Railway Industries. The current casting production capacity of the plant is 60,000 Metric Tons/Year. Tool Room: The Gudur plant has In-house toolroom with 9 CNC machines and all the CNC machines are from BFW. Among them one machine is Virat 1020 double column machine. “We supply casting to major automotive OEMS in India. The quality and delivery is the prime important factor for our products. The pattern making play a vital role in ensuring the best quality of the product. BFW CNC machines in our facility ensure the right quality patterns. We have different sizes of VMCs. Based on the size; the patterns are machined on respective machines. The bigger patterns are machined on Double column machine Virat 1020” says Mr Srinath DGM pattern shop, He also continued to say, “The quality patterns are key to high quality castings. The patterns which are machined have good dimensional accuracy, good surface finish and higher strength. Most of our patterns made from SG Iron and have better life. Most recently we have added Virat 1020 from BFW .The bigger patterns are manufactured on this machine. Earlier we used to machine similar jobs in multiple settings in smaller machine or outsource to the vendors. But now we can do the same component on the single setup both rough and finish machining. This has saved us lot of time and money”. So pattern shop with double column is always a profitable business for bigger components rather than doing in smaller machine in multiple settings.

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